- Working Papers
- Briefing Papers

WIDE Module Summary

Modules and Protocols

If you want to join the scientific achievement on the topic "Ethiopia", you must contribute to the scientific field of research. For example, you can publish your research or participate in a conference and similar topic. Also, don't forget about submission, and a professional letter writing service can help with this.

Module 1F: Introduction to People and Society
Module 2F : Social structures and dynamics
Module 3F: Site history
Module 4F: Policy regime interfaces
Module 5F: Crises and local responses, Protocol 1M: Exploration of men's conceptions of and responses to drought and famine
Module 5: Protocol 1F: Exploration of women's conceptions of and responses to child malnutrition, illness and death
Module 5: HIV/AIDS; conflict

Module 6F: Grounding WeD-related concepts

Module 7F: Changes in wellbeing and inequality
Module 8F: Revisiting people and society

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