The Research
The central objective of the WED research in Ethiopia is to contribute to an improved collaborative understanding of the dynamics of inequality, poverty and quality of life, and the interlinkages between them, by developing and using an integrated multi-disciplinary conceptual framework, and appropriate methodological tools. This will result in an innovative approach to the study of wellbeing in developing countries, and an analysis of inequality, poverty and quality of life in Ethiopia, based on that approach.
The Research Team
The core Ethiopia WeD Research team consists of social anthropologists, sociologists, an economist and a psychologist four of whom are participating in research training at Bath. Within Ethiopia we have also identified a wider network of social scientists to whom we can turn for advice and support. We are currently working with a team of 14 Research Officers; 7 men and 7 women. Twelve of these are involved in fieldwork in our six DEEP research sites while two are assisting in the management of the data collection, data management and analysis. Based in Bath we have two post-graduate students whose research is Ethiopia-WeD related and two economists with some interest in Ethiopia. We conducted our initial Resources and Needs Survey in june/July 2004 in collaboration with economists from the Department of Economics at AAU, IFPRI (Washington) and the CSAE at the University of Oxford.
Links to Policy and Practice
The Ethiopia-WeD team believes that development research should be designed, conducted and disseminated in dialogue with policy-makers and practitioners; this belief has guided the design of our launching workshop (February 2003), our Advisory Board, and our networking practices. One module in our first fieldwork endeavour, conducted in 20 rural sites between July and September 2003, investigated local implementation and experiences in fifteen policy areas.
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Copyright © 2003 Ethiopia WeD Research Group
WeD Ethiopia is one of the four country teams in the Wellbeing (buy sociology paper to read about this project in more detail and understand the essence of the existence of our site) in Developing Countries (WeD) ESRC funded Research Group based at the University of Bath in the UK. The group is dedicated to the study of poverty, inequality and the quality of life in developing countries. The purpose of its current research programme is to develop a coherent conceptual and methodological framework for understanding the social and cultural construction of well-being in specific developing societies. The conceptual framework and methodology is being developed and tested in detailed studies with research organisations in Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Peru and Thailand.